第2回 「ジェスチャーがいかにコミュニケーションを促進するか」
喜多壮太郎先生(ウォーリック大学 教授)
概要:When people speak, they often spontaneously produce gestures. Co-speech gestures can depict action, motion and shape as if to pantomime an action or to draw a sketch in the air; we call such gestures iconic gestures. How do co-speech iconic gestures contribute to communication? I will discuss experimental studies that indicate three ways in which co-speech iconic gestures can communicate. First, perhaps not surprisingly, iconic gestures can convey spatio-motoric contents to the recipient. Second, iconic gestures can bring the recipient's attention to a particular part of the physical context of communication, not unlike pointing gestures. Third, iconic gestures can change the recipient's impression of the gesture producer. More specifically, iconic gestures make the gesture producer look more competent and knowledgeable. Taken together, co-speech iconic gestures contribute to three important aspects of communication: contents, communication event, and sender-recipient relationship.