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渡辺茂研究業績 | publications of Dr.Watanabe

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1) Monographs

  1. 渡辺茂 (1995). 認知の起源をさぐる. 岩波書店
  2. 渡辺茂 (1995). ピカソを見分けるハト. 日本放送協会
  3. 渡辺茂 (1997). ハトが分かればヒトがみえる. 共立出版
  4. 渡辺茂 (編)(1998). 心の比較認知科学 ミネルヴァ書房
  5. 渡辺茂 (2001). ヒト型脳とハト型脳. 文芸春秋社
  6. Pepperberg, I (著), 渡辺茂 (訳)・遠藤清香 (訳)・山崎 由美子 (訳) (2002). アレックススタディ. 共立出版
  7. Watanabe, S. (Ed.) (2003). Comparative Study of Mind. Keio University Press.
  8. 渡辺茂・小嶋祥三(2007). 脳科学と心の進化(心理学入門コース). 岩波書店
  9. Watanabe, S., Tsujii, T., Keenan JP (Ed.) (2007). Comparative Social Cognition. Keio University Press.
  10. Watanabe, S., Hofman, M (Ed.) (2007). Integration of Comparative Neuroanatomy and Cognition. Keio University Press.
  11. 渡辺茂 (編)・岡市広成(編). (2008). 比較海馬学. ナカニシヤ出版.
  12. Watanabe,S., Blaisdell, A., Huber, L. & Young, A. (Ed) (2009). Rational Animals, Irrational Humans. Keio University Press.
  13. 渡辺茂(2010). 鳥脳力-小さな頭に秘められた驚異の能力. 化学同人

2) Chapter contributions

  1. Watanabe, S. (1980). Visual discrimination study in the pigeon. In Y. Tsukada, & B. W. Agranoff (Eds.) Neurobiological Basis of Learning and Memory (pp. 233-247). John Wiley.
  2. Watanabe, S. (1980). Interhemispheric transfer of learning in birds. In Y. Tanabe, K. Tanaka, & T. Ookawa (Eds.) Biological Rhythms in Birds (pp. 315-326). Springer Verlag.
  3. 渡辺茂 (1986). 行動の系統発生. 小川隆・末永保(編)行動科学 (pp.26-43). 日本放送出版.
  4. 渡辺茂・杉山尚子・大日向達子・小美野喬・渡辺明彦 (1988). 行動の刺激制御. 小川隆〔編〕行動心理学ハンドブック(pp.29-50). 培風館.
  5. 渡辺茂・杉本助男・鈴木成夫・清水透 (1988). 行動神経科学. 小川隆〔編〕行動心理学ハンドブック (pp. 155-178). 培風館.
  6. Watanabe, S. & Eckensberger, U. S. (1993). Wissenschaftlicher Import und Export zwischen Japan und Deutschland. In H-J. Kornadt und G. Trommsdorff (Eds.) Deutsh-Japanische Bebegungen in den Sozialwissenschften. Universt?verlag Konstanz GMBHWatanabe, S., Lea, S. E. G. & Dittrich, W. H. (1993). What can we learn from experiments on pigeon concept discrimination. In P. H. Zeigler & H-J. Bischof (Eds.) Vision, Brain and Behavior in Birds (pp. 352-376). MA: MIT press.
  7. Remy, M. & Watanabe, S. (1993). Two eyes and one world - interocular transfer of learning in birds-. In P. H. Zeigler and H-J. Bischof (Eds.) Vision, Brain and Behavior in Birds (pp. 334-350). MA: MIT press.
  8. 渡辺茂 (1997). 鳥のこころ. 大学と科学シンポジウム公開組織委員会編 認知・言語の成立(pp.124-133). クバプロ.
  9. 渡辺茂 (1997). ハトがわからなくなるハトの話. AREA MOOK 頭脳学のみかた (pp. 116-119). 朝日新聞社.
  10. Borlongan, C. V., Shimizu, T., Trojanowski, J. Q., Watanabe, S., Lee, V. M. Y., Tajima, Y., Cahill, D. W., Freeman, T. B., Nishino, H., & Sanberg, P. R. (1998). Animal models of cerebral ischemia: Neurodegeneration, behavioral deficits and cell transplantation. In T. B. Freeman and H. Winder(Eds.) Movement disorders and neural transplantation, 211-230.
  11. 渡辺茂 (1999). 動物の意識 脳・心・進化(pp. 30-37). 裳華堂.
  12. Watanabe, S. (2000). How do pigeons see pictures? Recognition of real world from its 2-D representation. In J. Fagot (Ed.) Picture perception in animals (pp.71-90). Psychology Press.
  13. Watanabe, S. (2000). Psychological effects of immuosuppressant Cyclosporine A. In C. V. Borlongan (Ed.) Immunosuppressants and Neurological Disorders. Humana Press.
  14. 渡辺茂. (2002). 動物に文法はあるのか. 月刊言語, 31, 24-29.
  15. Watanabe, S. (2003). Psychological effects of immuosuppressant Cyclosporine A. In C. Borlongan, O. Isacson & P. R. Sanberg (Eds.) Immunosuppressant analogs in neuroprotectionand Neurological Disorders (pp.361-374). Humana Press.
  16. 渡辺茂. (2005). 鳥的愛の生活. 柴田陽弘(編著). 恋の研究. 慶應義塾大学出版会.
  17. Watanabe, S. (2006). Neural basis of cognitive flexibility in birds. In T. R. Zentall, & E. A. Wasserman (Eds.) Comparative cognition. Oxford University Press.
  18. Watanabe, S. (2006). Do animals have "theory"? - naive biology in pigeons -. In Andler, D., Ogawa, Y., Okada, M., & Watanabe, S. (Eds.), Reasoning and Cognition. Keio University Press.
  19. 渡辺茂. (2007). 動物の文法. 月刊言語.
  20. 渡辺茂. (2011). 恋における「遺伝子 VS 脳」. 慶應義塾大学文学部 (編). 恋愛を考える. 慶應義塾大学出版会.
  21. 渡辺茂. (2011). FRONTIER 美の起源を探る. 塾. SUMMER(No.271), p24.
  22. Shimizu, T., & Watanabe, S. (2012). The avian visual system: Overview. Lazareva, In O. F., Shimizu, T., & Wasserman, E. A. (Eds.) How animals see the world (pp. 473-482). Oxford University Press.
  23. Watanabe, S. (2012). Animal Aesthetics from the Perspective of Comparative Cognition. Emotions of animals and humans, 1, 129-162.

3) Scientific papers

  1. 渡辺茂・伊藤正人・横山浩司・河嶋孝・佐藤方哉 (1971). デンショバトにおける単眼単一刺激訓練後のspreading depression の効果. 異常行動研究会誌, 11, 29-35.
  2. 渡辺茂・横山浩司・伊藤正人・佐藤方哉 (1972). ハト用電極の作成および植え込み法. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科, 12, 89-92.
  3. 高田孝二・小美野喬・渡辺茂・横山浩司・佐藤方哉 (1972). 単発閃光を条件刺激としたデンショバトのレスポンデント条件づけ. 異常行動学研究会誌, 12, 10-22.
  4. 小美野喬・渡辺茂・伊藤正人・高田孝二 (1973). デンショバトにおけるspreading depressionのレスポンデント行動におよぼす効果. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 13, 85-90.
  5. 高田孝二・渡辺茂・小美野喬・横山浩司 (1973). ハトの線条体における視覚誘発電位. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 13, 79-83.
  6. 渡辺茂 (1973). 両眼間転移における刺激条件の吟味. 心理学研究, 43,325-335.
  7. Watanabe, S. & Ogawa, T. (1973). An experimental analysis of mirror image reversal effects in pigeons. Annual of Animal Psychology, 23, 1-13.
  8. 高田孝二・伊藤正人・渡辺茂 (1974). ハト用不分極電極の作成および適用例. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 14, 91-94.
  9. 鈴木成夫・渡辺茂 (1974). ハトの条件づけにおける脳破壊効果. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 15, 91-94.
  10. 渡辺茂・樋口義治・林部英雄・望月明 (1974). いわゆる比較心理学について. 哲学, 62, 269-288.
  11. Watanabe, S. (1974). Interocular transfer of stimulus control in pigeons. Annual of Animal Psychology, 24, 4-14.
  12. Watanabe, S. (1975). Interocular transfer of generalization along line-tilt dimension in pigeons. Japanese Psychological Research, 17, 133-140.
  13. Watanabe, S. (1976). An experimental examination of peck location following monocular discriminative training in the pigeon. Annual of Animal Psychology, 26, 109-116.
  14. 渡辺茂 (1976). 両球間転移における刺激統制説と半球量作用説の実験的検討. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 16, 29-34.
  15. Watanabe, S. (1977). Interocular transfer of pecking in the pigeon - An analysis of reaction time -. Hiyoshi Report, 9, 67-77.
  16. Watanabe, S. (1977). An experimental analysis of selective stimulus control following binocular mirror image discrimination in pigeons. Philosophy, 66, 169-178.
  17. 渡辺茂 (1978). 両球間交連と学習の両球間転移. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 19, 51-60.
  18. Watanabe, S. (1978). Effects of unilateral spreading depression upon monocularly trained operant behavior in pigeons. Philosophy, 68, 1-10.
  19. Watanabe, S. (1978). The mirror image reversal effect in interocular transfer of excitatory and inhibitory dimensional control in pigeons. Annual of Animal Psychology, 28, 15-25.
  20. Watanabe, S. (1978). Mirror image discrimination with each eye in the pigeon. Physiology & Behavior, 22, 331-337.
  21. Watanabe, S. (1980). Conditional discrimination and interocular transfer in pigeons. Behavioral Brain Research, 1, 125-137.
  22. Watanabe, S. (1980). Interocular transfer of conditional discrimination in pigeons. Hiyoshi Report, 11, 75-83.
  23. 渡辺茂 (1982). ハトにおける単一刺激訓練後般化勾配の両眼間転移. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 22, 69-75.
  24. Mihara, M. and Watanabe, S. (1982). Interocular transfer of cardiac conditioning in the pigeon. Behavioural Brain Research, 14, 124-125.
  25. Watanabe, S., Pereira, S. C., James, G., and Russell, I. S. (1982). Role of choice and response options in interocular transfer in pigmented rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 5, 124-125.
  26. 杉山尚子・渡辺茂 (1982). 展望:注意の研究. 哲学, 75, 185-206.
  27. Watanabe, S., Pereira, S. C., James, G., & Russell, I. S. (1983). Response determinants of interocular transfer in normal and split-brain rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 8, 284.
  28. 渡辺茂 (1983). ハトの鏡像逆転効果における刺激の大きさの役割. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌, 1, 35-39.
  29. Watanabe, S. (1983). d-Amphetamine discrimination established under a conditional discrimination procedure in pigeons. Japanese Journal of Psychopharmacology, 3, 45-50.
  30. Watanabe, S. & Uchida, A. (1984). Respondent conditioning of the behavioral effects of pentobarbital in the pigeon. Japanese Journal of Psychopharmacology, 4, 25-26.
  31. Inagawa, K. & Watanabe, S. (1984). Psychophysical measurement of the discriminative stimulus properties of Ketamine. Japanese Journal of Psychopharmacology, 4, 23-24.
  32. 渡辺茂・佐藤祐子 (1984). ハトにおける鳥の方向の弁別. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 24, 45-54.
  33. Watanabe, S. & Weiss, S. (1984). A lack of interocular transfer of spatial conditional discrimination in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 12, 65-68.
  34. Watanabe, S., Brenda, B., & Hodos, W. (1984). Two eyes are better than one: Superior binocular discrimination learning in pigeons. Physiology & Behavior, 32, 847-850.
  35. Watanabe, S. (1985). Interocular transfer of schedule-controlled behavior in pigeons. Hiyoshi Report,12, 106-115.
  36. Watanabe, S. (1985). Interhemispheric transfer of visual discrimination in pigeons with supraoptic decussation (DSO) lesions before and after monocular learning. Behavioural Brain Research, 17, 163-170.
  37. 古屋泉・村上文子・渡辺茂 (1985). 白色レグホンの視力測定. 日本動物心理学年報, 35, 31-34.
  38. 渡辺茂 (1985). 薬物弁別の研究法と問題点. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌, 5, 289-302.
  39. 稲川健太郎・岡山仁・渡辺茂 (1986). 回廊式放射状迷路におけるマウスの課題遂行の分析. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 26, 11-16.
  40. Watanabe, S. (1986). Interocular transfer of learning in the pigeon: Visuo-motor integration and separation of discriminanda and manipulanda. Behavioural Brain Research, 19, 227-232.
  41. Watanabe, S., and Ono, K. (1986). An experimental analysis of "empathetic" response: Effects of pain reactions of pigeons upon other pigeon's operant behavior. Behavioural Processes, 13, 269-277.
  42. Watanabe, S., Shimizu, T., Brenda B. B., & Hodos, W. (1986). Interocular transfer in parallel visual systems in pigeons. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 29, 184-195.
  43. 渡辺茂 (1986). デンショハトのスケジュール統制行動に対する薬物効果の効条件づけ. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌, 6, 167-168.
  44. Hori, K. & Watanabe, S. (1987). An application of the image processing system for detecting and controlling pigeon's peck location. Behavioural Brain Research, 26, 75-78.
  45. 渡辺茂 (1987). オペラント箱内のハトの採餌行動. 植物防疫, 41, 583-587.
  46. 渡辺茂・軍司康晴 (1987). ハトにおけるペントバルビタールの弁別. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌, 7, 153-154.
  47. 渡辺茂・岡ノ谷一夫 (1987). 卵の中のおしゃべり. 言語, 16, 58-61.
  48. 渡辺茂 (1988). 鳥類のパターン認識. 言語, 17, 20-25.
  49. Watanabe, S. (1988). Failure of visual prototype learning in the pigeon. Animal Learning and Behavior, 16, 147-152.
  50. Inagawa, K., Watanabe, S., Tsukada, Y. and Mikoshiba, K. (1988). The role of myelination in learning performance observed in two strains of myelin deficient mutant mice(shiverer and mld). Behavioral and Neural Biology, 50, 184-192.
  51. Watanabe, S. (1988). Effects of unilateral thalamic lesion upon interocular transfer of visual discrimination in pigeons. I. Lesions in the trained hemisphere ( memory access deficits). Behavioural Brain Research, 29, 259-265.
  52. 渡辺茂 (1988). アヒルにおける刻印づけの両眼間転移. 人文科学研究,30, 107-115.
  53. Watanabe, S. & Uchida, A. (1988). Isodirectional conditioning of effects of d-amphetamine and pentobarbital on schedule-controlled operant behavior in pigeons. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 36, 157-161.
  54. 渡辺茂・杉山鉄郎 (1989). マウスの摂水・摂食選択過程. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 29, 1-7.
  55. 渡辺茂 (1990). 動物は外界の情報を知りたがるか. 哲学, 91, 507-525.
  56. Watanabe, S. & Mori, Y. (1990). Individual recognition in mice. Journal of Ethology, 9, 29-32.
  57. Tuazon, B. D. & Watanabe, S. (1990). Binocular vs monocular pecking in pigeons: An analysis of peck location. Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 40, 18-25.
  58. Borlongam, C. & Watanabe, S. (1991). Individual discrimination in C57 Bl mice. Sociology, Psychology and Education, 31, 107-116.
  59. Inagawa, K. & Watanabe, S. (1991). Effects of diazepam and chlorpromazine on socially induced anxiety in pigeons. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 1, 549-554.
  60. Watanabe, S. & Ito, Y. (1991). Individual recognition in pigeon. Bird Behaviour, 36, 20-29.
  61. Watanabe, S. (1991). Effects of unilateral thalamic lesion upon interocular transfer of visual discrimination in pigeons. II. Lesions in the untrained hemisphere (sensory deficits). Behavioral Brain Research, 43, 103-108.
  62. Watanabe, S. (1991). Effects of ectostriatal lesions on natural concept, pseudoconcept and artificial pattern discrimination in pigeons. Visual Neuroscience, 6, 497-506.
  63. Watanabe, S. (1992). Effects of ectostriatum and Wulst lesions on individual and species discrimination in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 49, 197-203.
  64. Wakita, M., Watanabe, S., Shimizu, T., & Britto, L. (1992). Visual discrimination performance after lesions of the ventral lateral geniculate nucelus in pigeons (Columba livia). Behavioural Brain Research, 51, 211-215.
  65. 古屋泉・渡辺茂 (1993). マオウ ( Ephedra sinica)のラットにおける弁別刺激特性. 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌, 13, 33-38.
  66. Watanabe, S. (1993). Effects of ectostriatal lesions, Wulst lesions and hemispherectomy upon visual discrimination of food in pigeons. Japanese journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychobiology, 11, 13-22.
  67. Watanabe, S. (1993). Object-picture equivalence in the pigeon: An analysis with natural concept and pseudoconcept discrimination. Behavioural Processes, 30, 225-232.
  68. Watanabe, S., Yamashita, M., & Wakita, M. (1993). Discrimination of video images of conspecific individuals in Bengalese finches. Journal of Ethology,11, 67-72.
  69. Watanabe, S. & Juan, T. (1993). Visual and auditory cues in conspecific discrimination learning in Bengalese finches. Journal of Ethology,11, 111-116.
  70. Borlongan, C. V. & Watanabe, S. (1994). Failure to disriminate conspecifics in amygdaloid lesioned mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 48, 677-680.
  71. 渡辺茂 (1994). 比較認知科学から比較認知神経科学へ. 科学, 64, 306-314.
  72. 渡辺茂 (1994). ハトの視覚認知. 生体の科学, 45, 524-525.
  73. 渡辺茂 (1994). ハトの条件性抑制. 生体の科学, 45, 526-527.
  74. Watanabe, S. (1994). Experimental visual agnosia in pigeons. Brazilian Journal of Medical Biology Research, 27, 563-571.
  75. Furuya, I., Inada, S. and Watanabe, S. (1994). The matching law in the hamster. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 7, 53-60.
  76. Wakita, M., Kawamura, H., & Watanabe, S. (1994). Hoarding behavior in the pigeon (Columba livia): Performance under the restriction of food availability. Behavioural Processes, 31, 167-176.
  77. Borlongan, C. V., & Watanabe, S. (1995). A rapid assessment of stimulus properties of morphine. Life Science, 57, 171-174.
  78. Watanabe, S., Inada, S., & Borlongan, C. (1995). Factor of familiarity in sibling recognition in Golden hamsters. Journal of Ethology, 13, 17-22.
  79. 古屋泉・渡辺茂 (1995). ハトにおける三田キャンパス内建築物の認知. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 41, 23-31.
  80. 古屋泉・堀耕治・渡辺 茂 (1995). Effects of hippocampal lesions on spatial short-team memory in pigeons. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 42, 9-15.
  81. Watanabe, S., Wakita, M., & Sakamoto, J. (1995). Discrimination of Monet and Picasso in pigeons. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 63, 165-174.
  82. Furuya, I., Hori, K., & Watanabe, S. (1995). Effects of hippocampal lesions on spatial short-term memory in pigeons. Sociology, Psychology and Education, 42, 9-15.
  83. 伊東裕司・高山博・日比谷・潤子・渡辺 茂(1995). 顔と声の関連性の判断 : 人物の同一性について, 哲学, 98, 123-139.
  84. Kureta, Y. & Watanabe, S. (1996). Influence of social dominance on self-stimulation behavior in male golden hamsters. Physiology & Behavior, 59, 621-624.
  85. Wakita, M., Sakamoto, J., & Watanabe, S. (1996). Behavioral scaling of visual preference by Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica). Sociology, Psychology and Education, 44, 1-4.
  86. 渡辺茂・杉山尚子 (1996). 比較認知科学と運動学習, Japanese Journal of Sports Sciences, 15, 9-14.
  87. Watanabe, S. (1996). Effects of ectostriatal lesions on concepcific, species and familiar object discrimination in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 81, 183-188.
  88. 渡辺茂 (1996). 心理学からみた脳研究. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 14, 681-683.
  89. 古屋泉・堀耕治・渡辺茂 (1996). ハトの空間的短期記憶に対する海馬破壊の効果. 慶応義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 42, 9-15.
  90. Borlongan, C. V., Fujisaki, T., & Watanabe, S. (1997). Chronic administration of cyclosporine-A does not impair memory retention in rats. Neuroreport, 8, 673-676.
  91. Borlongan, C. V. & Watanabe, S. (1997). Footshock facilitates discrimination of stimulus properties of morphine. Life Science, 61, 1045-1049.
  92. Bischof, H-J., & Watanabe, S. (1997). On the Structure and Function of the Tectofugal Visual Pathway in Laterally Eyed Birds. European Jornal of Morphology, 35, 246-254.
  93. Wakita, M. & Watanabe, S. (1997). Compensatory plasticity following neonatal lesion of the auditory cortex. Biomedical Research, 18, Supplement 1, 79-90.
  94. Watanabe, S. (1997). An instance of viewpoint consistency in pigeon object recognition. Behavioural Processes, 39, 257-261.
  95. Watanabe, S. (1997). Visual discrimination of real objects and pictures in pigeons. Animal Learning and Behavior, 25, 185-192.
  96. Watanabe, S., & Furuya, I. (1997). Video display for study of avian visual cognition:From psychophysics to sign language. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 10, 111-127.       
  97. 脇田真清・坂本淳子・渡辺 茂 (1998). Behavioral scaling of visual preference by Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica). 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要, 44, 1-4.
  98. Borlongan, C. V., Fujisaki, T., & Watanabe, S. (1998). Chronic cyclosporine-A injection in rats with damaged blood-brain barrier does not impair retention of passive avoidance. Neuroscience Research, 32, 195-200.
  99. 渡辺茂 (1998). 心理学における生物学的説明. 哲学と科学, 31, 27-39.
  100. 渡辺茂 (1998). 実験動物の心理的快適さ. 実験動物と環境, 6,42-47.
  101. Watanabe, S., & Nemoto, M. (1998). Reinforceing property of music in Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora). Behavioural Processes, 43, 211-218.
  102. Watanabe, S. (1998). Discrimination of "four" and "two" by pigeons. Psychological Record, 48, 383-391.
  103. 渡辺茂・稲垣節子 (1998). 人間は動物の知能をどのように評価するか. アニマル・ナーシング, 2, 17-23.
  104. 多賀努・渡辺 茂 (1998). The matching law under two-key/two-feeder condition. 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要, 46, 1-5.
  105. Borlongan, C. V., Kwanbara, Y., Fujisaki, T., & Watanabe, S. (1999). Cyclosporin-A reduces spontaneous place preference in adult rats. Neuroscience Letters, 285, 1-4.
  106. Borlongan, C. V., Stahl, C. E., Fujisaki, T., Sanberg, P., & Watanabe, S. (1999). Cyclosprine A-induced hyperactivity in rats: Is it mediated by immunosuppression, neurotrophism or both? Cell Transplantation, 8, 153-159.
  107. Watanabe, S. (1999). Enhancement of viewpoint invarience by experience in pigeons. Current Psychology of Cognition ,18, 322-336.
  108. Watanabe, S., & Sato, K. (1999). Discriminative stimulus properties of music in Java sparrows. Behavioural Processes, 47, 53-58.
  109. Watanabe, S. (1999). How does pigeon see pictures? Cognition of real world from its 2-D representation. Current Psychology of Cognition, 18,691-712.
  110. Watanabe, S. (1999). Effects of hippocampal lesions on spatial operant discrimination in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 103, 77-84.
  111. 渡辺茂・古屋泉 (1999). チョコレートの観方・感じ方. 食の科学, 252, 22-29.
  112. 渡辺茂 (1999). 動物の意識. 生物の科学 遺伝 別冊, 11「脳 心 進化」, 30-37.
  113. 渡辺茂・大森えみ (1999). 見知らぬ文字の視覚的言語弁別. 慶応義塾大学言語文化研究所紀要, 31, 225-232.
  114. 草山太一・渡辺茂 (1999). プラナリア(Dugesiajaponica)における薬物投与方の開発. 動物心理学研究, 49, 157-159.
  115. Kusayama, T. & Watanabe, S. (2000). Reinforcing effects of methampetamine in planarians. Neuroreport, 11, 2511-2513.
  116. Kusayama, T. & Watanabe, S. (2000). Responses to mirror-image stimulation in jungle crows(Corvus macrorhynchos). Animal Cognition, 3, 61-64.
  117. 渡辺茂 (2000). 鳥類における空間記憶と海馬. 心理学研究, 71, 144-156.
  118. 渡辺茂 (2000). 動物のコミュニケーション. 日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報, 103, 307-308.
  119. Watanabe, S. & Yanagihara, N. (2000). Serial position effect and selective amnesia induced by scopolamine in mice. Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 20, 17-20.
  120. Yamamoto, K., Fuyura, Y., & Watanabe, S. (2001). Measurement of visual acuity in jungle crows. Physiology & Behavior, 72, 283-286.
  121. Watanabe, S. (2001). Discrimination of cartoons and photographs in pigeons: effects of scrambling of elements. Behavioural Processes, 53, 3-9.
  122. Watanabe, S. (2001). Van Gogh, Chagall and pigeons: picture discrimination in pigeons and humans. Animal Cognition, 4, 147-151.
  123. Yoshida, M., Goto, K., & Watanabe, S. (2001). Task-dependent train differences of spatial learning in C57/BL and BALB/c mice. Physiology & Behavior, 73, 37-42.
  124. Watanabe, S. (2001). Effects of hippocampal lesions on repeated acquisition of spatial discrimination in pigeons. Behavioural Brain Research, 120, 59-66.
  125. Okanoya, K., Ikebuchi, M., Uno, H., & Watanabe, S. (2001). Left-side dominance for song discrimination in Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica). Animal Cognition, 4, 241-245.
  126. Watanabe, S., & Bischof, H-J. (2002). Spatial learning in song bird. Current Psychological Letters.
  127. Watanabe, S. (2002). Effects of LPO lesions on repeated acquisition of spatial discrimination in pigeons. Brain Behavior and Evolution, 58, 333-342.
  128. Nishimura, Y., Yoshida,M., & Watanabe, S. (2002). The effect on other individual presentation of the goldfish by FG7142. (in Japanese) Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 22, 55-59.
  129. Watanabe, S., Bischof, H-J. (2002). Spatial learning in song bird. Current Psychological Letters ,3, 71-80.
  130. 粟谷布由実・渡辺茂 (2002). ウズラの成体と幼体におけるIMHVの機能差. 認知神経科学, 4, 131-134.
  131. Watanabe, S. (2002). Preference for mirror images and video image in Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora). Behavioural Processes ,60, 35-39.
  132. Watanabe, S. (2002). Effects of hippocampal lesions on conditional spatial discrimination in pigeons. Physiology & Behavior ,77, 183-187.
  133. 渡辺茂・古屋泉・山崎由美子・藤崎智子・草山太一・後藤和宏・西脇レイ・鈴木貴子 (2002). 気分修飾物質としてのチョコレート. 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要, 54, 13-22.
  134. 渡辺茂 (2002). 動物の高次認知活動. 認知神経科学, 3, 151-153.
  135. 渡辺茂 (2002). 動物の心的機能の評価 -動物観の研究-. 慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所紀要, 34, 219-230.
  136. 渡辺茂 (2002). 何のための比較か. 動物心理学研究, 52, 21-27.
  137. 草山太一・渡辺茂 (2002). プラナリア(Dugesia japonica)における条件性場所選好 -D1,D2選択的拮抗薬の効果-. 人間と社会の探究, 55, 1-4.
  138. Fujisaki, C., Utsuyama, M., Kuroda, Y., Watanabe, A., Seidler, H., Watanabe, S. Kitagawa, M., & Hirokawa, K. (2003). An immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine-A acts like anit-depressant for rats under unpredictable chronic stress. Jounral of Medical and Denttal Sciences, 50, 93-100.
  139. Watanabe, S. (2003). Effects of Wulst and ectostriatal lesions on repeated acqusition of spatial learning in pigeons. Cognitive Brain Research, 17, 286-292.
  140. 渡辺茂 (2003). 空間認知の生理機構. 生理心理学と精神生理学, 21, 31-38.
  141. Awaya, F., & Watanabe, S. (2003). IMHV lesions caused deficits in conspecific discrimination in chicks but not in adult quails. Neuroreport,14, 1511-1514.
  142. Shinozuka, K., & Watanabe, S. (2004). Effects of telencephalic ablation on shoaling behavior in goldfish. Physiology & Behavior, 81, 141-148.
  143. Yamazaki, Y., Shinohara, N., & Watanabe, S. (2004). Visual discrimination of normal and drug induced behavior in quails (Coturnix coturnix, japonica). Animal Cognition, 7, 128-132.
  144. 斉藤光太郎・渡辺茂 (2004). 光トポグラフィによるちえのわ遂行中の脳活動の計測. 認知神経科学, 6, 41-45.
  145. Watanabe, S., & Bischof, H-J. (2004). Effects of hippocampal lesions on acquisition and retention of spatial learning in zebra finches, Behavioural Brain Research, 155, 147-152.
  146. Watanabe, S. (2004). Comparative cognitive science in Japan. Japanese Psychological Research, 46, 137-140.
  147. Saito, K. & Watanabe, S. (2004). Spatial learning deficits after the development of dorsomedial telencephalong lesions in goldfish. Neuroreport, 15, 2695-2699.
  148. Saito, S. & Watanabe, S. (2005). Experimental analysis of spatial learning in goldfish. The Psychological Record, 55, 647-662.
  149. Watanabe, S., Uozumi, M., & Tanaka, N. (2005). Discrimination of consonance and dissonance in Java sparrows. Behavioural Processes, 70, 203-208.
  150. Izawa, E., Kusayama, T., & Watanabe, S. (2005). Foot-use laterality in the Japanese jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). Behavioural Processes, 69, 357-362.
  151. Watanabe, S. (2005). Lesions in the basal ganglion and hippocampus on performance in a Wisconsin card sorting test-like task in pigeons. Physiology & Behavior, 85, 324-332.
  152. Watanabe, S. (2005). Strategies of spatial learning for food-storing in scrub jays. Journal of Ethology, 23, 181-187.
  153. Masuda, S., Tsujii, T. & Watanabe, S. (2005). An interference effect of voice presentation on face gender discrimination task: Evidence from event-related potentials. International congress series, 1278, 156-159.
  154. Hashimoto, T. & Watanabe, S. (2005). Chronic food restriction enhances memory in mice--analysis with matched drive levels. Neuroreport, 16. 1129-1133.
  155. Saito, K., & Watanabe S. (2006). Spatial memory activation of the parietal cortex measured with near-infrared spectroscopic imaging in the finger-maze of the Morris water maze analogue for humans. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 17, 227-238.
  156. Otsuka, Y. & Watanabe, S. (2006). Effects of hippocampal lesions on conditional discrimination in rats. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 17, 147-155.
  157. Bischof, H-J., Lieshoff, C., & Watanabe, S. (2006). Spatial memory and hippocampal function in a non-foodstoring songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Reviews in the Neurosciences, 17, 43-52.
  158. Watanabe, S. (2006). Effects of partial hippocampal lesions by ibotenic acid on repeated acquisition of spatial discrimination in pigeons. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 17, 29-41.
  159. Watanabe, S., Yamamoto, E., & Uozumi, M. (2006). Language discrimination by Java sparrows. Behavioural Processes, 73, 114-116.
  160. Saito, S. & Watanabe, S. (2006). Deficits in acquisition of spatial learning after dorsomedial telencephalon lesions in goldfish. Behavioural Brain Research, 172, 187-194.
  161. Watanabe, S., & Huber, L. (2006). Animal logics: Decisions in the absence of human language. Animal Cognition, 9, 235-245.
  162. Watanabe, S., & Troje, N. (2006). Towards a "virtual pigeon": A new technique for investigating avian social perception. Animal Cognition, 9, 271-279.
  163. 山本絵里子・渡辺茂. (2006). 科学通信 シンポジウム:分離脳研究のさらなる発展. 科学, 76, 456-458.
  164. Watanabe, S., & Clayton, N. C. (2007). Observational visuospatial encoding of the cache locations of others by western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica). Journal of Ethology, 25, 271-279.
  165. Tsujii, T., Yamamoto, E., & Watanabe, S. (2007). Effects of sedative and non-sedative H-1 antagonists on cognitive tasks: behavioral and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) examinations. Psychopharmacology, 194, 83-91.
  166. Watanabe, S. (2007). How animal psychology contributes to animal welfare. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 106, 193-202.
  167. Watanabe, S., & Yoshida, M. (2007). Auditory cued spatial learning in mice. Physiology & Behavior, 92, 906-910.
  168. 辻井岳雄・山本絵里子・渡辺茂. (2007). 小児における抗ヒスタミン薬のワーキングメモリへの影響 〜光トポグラフィーを用いた臨床検討〜, Pharmamedica, 25, 102-107.
  169. Yamamoto, E., & Watanabe, S. (2008). Strategy of auditory discrimination of scale in Java sparrows: They use both "imagery" and specific cues. Behavioural Processes, 77, 1-6.
  170. Izawa, E-I., & Watanabe, S. (2008). Formation of linear dominance relationship in captive jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos): Implications for individual recognition. Behavioural Processes, 78, 44-52.
  171. Watanabe, S., Maier, U., & Bischof, H. J. (2008). Pattern discrimination is affected by entopallial but not by hippocampal lesions in zebra finches. Behavioural Brain Research, 190, 201-205.
  172. Toda, K., & Watanabe, S. (2008). Discrimination of moving video images of self by pigeons (Columba livia). Animal Cognition, 11, 699-705.
  173. 辻井岳雄・山本絵里子・渡辺茂 (2008). 近赤外分光法を用いた機能的神経薬理学--記憶認知に及ぼす抗ヒスタミン効果について (特集 生理心理学の最近のトピックス). Functional neuropharmacology using near-infrared spectroscopy: anti-histamine effect on memory and cognition. 生理心理学と精神生理学, 26, 41-48.
  174. 渡辺 茂 (2008). 比較神経解剖学と比較認知科学の統合. 動物心理学研究, 58, 147-157.
  175. Otsuka Y, Yanagi J, Watanabe S. (2009). Discriminative and reinforcing stimulus properties of music for rats. Behavioural Processes, 80, 121-127.
  176. Tsujii, T., Masuda, S., Yamamoto, E., Ohira, T., Akiyama, T., Takahashi, T., & Watanabe, S., (2009). Effects of sedative and non-sedative antihistamines on prefrontal activity during verbal fluency task in young children: a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study. Psychopharmacology, 207, 127-132.
  177. Tsujii, T., & Watanabe, S., (2009). Neural correlates of dual-task effect on belief-bias syllogistic reasoning: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Brain Research, 1287, 118-125.
  178. Tsujii, T., Yamamoto, E., Masuda, S., & Watanabe, S., (2009). Longitudinal study of spatial working memory development in young children. NeuroReport, 20, 759-763.
  179. Goto, K., & Watanabe, S. (2009). Visual working memory of jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) in operant delayed matching-to-sample, Japanese Psychological Research, 51, 122-131.
  180. Kondo, N. & Watanabe, S. (2009). Contact calls: Information and social function. Japanese Psychological Research, 51, 197-208.
  181. 後藤和宏・小原史紗子・渡辺茂 (2009). ビデオ刺激を用いたブンチョウ(Padda oryzivora)における同種認知の検討. 哲学, 121, 133-145.
  182. 近藤紀子・伊澤栄一・渡辺茂 (2009). カラスはなぜ鳴くか? 哲学, 121, 183-205.
  183. 渡辺茂 (2009). なぜトリとヒトの比較をするのか, 動物心理学研究, 59, 89-97.
  184. 辻井岳雄・増田早哉子・山本絵里子・渡辺茂. (2009). 小児の記憶認知に及ぼす抗ヒスタミン薬の影響−近赤外分光法を用いた検討−, 小児科臨床, 62, 2291-2297.
  185. Watanabe, S. (2010). Pigeons can discriminate "good" and "bad" paintings by children. Animal Cognition, 13, 75-85.
  186. Watanabe, S., & Masuda, S. (2010). Integration of auditory and visual information in human face discrimination in pigeons Behavioral and anatomical study. Behavioural Brain Research, 207, 61-69.
  187. Watanabe S, Yamazaki Y. (2010). New waves and purpose of comparative cognition study. Japanese Psychological Research, 51, 111-114.
  188. Kondo, N., Izawa, E-I, & Watanabe, S. (2010). A temporal rule in vocal exchange among Large-billed Crows Corvus macrorhynchos in Japan. Ornithological Science, 9, 83-91.
  189. Kondo, N., Izawa, E-I, & Watanabe, S. (2010). Perceptual mechanism for vocal individual recognition in jungle crows (Corvus macrorhynchos): contact call signature and discrimination. Behaviour, 147, 1051-1072.
  190. Mayer U, Watanabe S, Bischof HJ. (2010). Hippocampal activation of immediate early genes Zenk and c-Fos in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) during learning and recall of a spatial memory task Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 93, 322-329.
  191. Goto K, Kurashima R, Gokan H, Inoue N, Ito I, Watanabe S. (2010). Left-Right Asymmetry Defect in the Hippocampal Circuitry Impairs Spatial Learning and Working Memory in iv Mice. PLoS One, Nov 17;5(11):e15468.
  192. Goto K, Kurashima R, Watanabe S. (2010). Delayed matching-to-position performance in C57BL/6N mice. Behavioural Processes, 84, 591-597.
  193. Tsujii, T., Masuda, S., Akiyama, T., & Watanabe, S. (2010). The role of inferior frontal cortex in belief-bias reasoning: an rTMS study. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2005-2008.
  194. Tsujii, T., Okada, M., & Watanabe, S., (2010). Effects of aging on hemispheric asymmetry in inferior frontal cortex activity during belief-bias syllogistic reasoning: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Behavioural Brain Research, 210, 178-183.
  195. Tsujii, T., Yamamoto, E., Ohira, T., Takahashi, T., & Watanabe, S., (2010). Antihistamine effects on prefrontal cortex activity during working memory process in preschool children: a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study. Neuroscience Research, 67, 80-85.
  196. Tsujii, T., Masuda, S., & Watanabe, S., (2010). A repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study on the role of right inferior frontal cortex activity in belief-bias syllogistic reasoning. Japanese Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 56-60.
  197. Tsujii, T., & Watanabe, S., (2010). Neural correlates of belief-bias reasoning under time pressure: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. NeuroImage, 50, 1320-1326.   
  198. Miyata, H., Watanabe, S. & Minagawa-Kawai, Y. (2010). Prefrontal activation during and before solution of an eight-arm shuriken-shaped maze task presented on a touch screen: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. 慶應義塾大学社会学研究科紀要,70, 125-140.
  199. Miyata, H., Watanabe, S. & Minagawa-Kawai, Y. (2011). Two successive neurocognitive processes captured by near-infrared spectroscopy: Prefrontal activation during a computerized plus-shaped maze task. Brain Research, 1734, 90-99.
  200. Ikkatai, Y. & Watanabe, S. (2011). Discriminative and reinforcing properties of paintings in Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora). Animal Cognition, 14, 227-234.
  201. Watanabe, S. (2011). Drug-social interactions in the reinforcing property of methamphetamine in mice. Behavioral Pharamacology, 22(3),
  202. Izawa, E. & Watanabe, S. (2011). Observational learning in the large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos): effect of demonstrator-observer dominance relationship. Interaction Studies, 12, 280-302.
  203. Watanabe S, Mayer U, Bischof HJ. (2011). Visual Wulst analyses "where" and entopallium analyses "what" in the zebra finch visual system. Behavioural brain research, 222(1), 51-6.
  204. Watanabe S. (2011). Discrimination of painting style and quality: pigeons use different strategies for different tasks. Animal Cognition, 14, 797-808.
  205. Pattison, K. F. & Zentall, T. R.& Watanabe, S. (2011). Sunk cost: Pigeons (Columba livia), too, show bias to complete a task rather than shift to another. Journal of Comparative Psychology, doi: 10.1037/a0023826
  206. Yamazaki, Y., Echigo, C., Saiki, M., Inada, M., Watanabe, S. & Iriki, A. (2011). Tool-use learning by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Experimental Brain Research, 1, 63-71.
  207. Tsujii,T., Sakatania, K., Masuda, S., Akiyamac, T. & Watanabe S. (2011). Evaluating the roles of the inferior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule in deductive reasoning: An rTMS study. Neuroimage, 58, 640-646.
  208. Watanabe S. (2011). Empathy and Reversed Empathy of Stress in Mice. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23357. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023357.
  209. Tanno, T., Kurashima, R., & Watanabe, S. (2011). Motivational control of impulsive behavior interacts with choice opportunities. Learning and Motivation, 42(2), 145-153.
  210. Nishizawa, K., Izawa, E., & Watanabe, S. (2011). Neural-activity mapping of memory-based dominance in the crow: neural networks integrating individual discrimination and social behaviour control .Neuroscience, 197, 307-319.
  211. Yamazaki,Y., Iriki, A. & Watanabe, S. (2011). Modulation of physical understanding by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Animal Cognition, 14, 175-186.
  212. Arimitsu,T., Uchida-Ota, M., Yagihashi, T., Kojima, S., Watanabe, S., Hokuto, I., Ikeda, K., Takahashi, T., & Minagawa-Kawai, Y. (2011). Functional Hemispheric Specialization in Processing Phonemic and Prosodic Auditory Changes in Neonates. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00202.
  213. 渡辺茂. (2011). 動物の共感--比較認知科学からのアプローチ (第15回認知神経科学会(その2)) -- (シンポジウム 情動の比較神経科学). 認知神経科学, 13(1), 89-95.
  214. 後藤和宏・大瀧翔・渡辺茂. (2011). ハトの視覚探索における注意の範囲の検討 (ニューロコンピューティング). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 111(96), 73-77.
  215. 渡辺茂. (2011). 特集・行動生物学のカッティングエッジ/美の比較認知科学 ―動物にとって美とは何か―. 学術の動向, 16, 64-67.
  216. Tsujii, T., Sakatani, K., Masuda, S., & Watanabe, S., (2011). Effects of sedative and non-sedative antihistamine drugs on prefrontal cortex activities: toward pharmacological near-infrared spectroscopy studies. Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews, 12, 1-8.
  217. Kosaki, Y & Watanabe, S. (2012).Dissociable roles of the medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the hippocampus in behavioural flexibility revealed by serial reversal of three-choice discrimination in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 227, 81-90.
  218. Kondo, N., Izawa, E., & Watanabe, S. (2012). Crows cross-modally recognize group members but not non-group members, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2419 (onlinefirst).
  219. Goto, K. & Watanabe, S. (2012). Large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) have retrospective but not prospective metamemory. Animal Cognition, 15, 27-35.
  220. Watanabe, S. (2012). Distress of mice induces approach behavior but has an aversive property for conspecifics, Behavioural Processes, (onlinefirst).
  221. Miyata,H., Minagawa-Kawai, Y., Watanabe, S., Sasaki, T., & Ueda, K. (2012). Miyata H, Minagawa-Kawai Y, Watanabe S, Sasaki T, Ueda K (2012) Reading Speed, Comprehension and Eye Movements While Reading Japanese Novels: Evidence from Untrained Readers and Cases of Speed-Reading Trainees. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36091. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036091.
  222. Inoue,N., Wanababe,S. (2012). Mice Recognize the Center of an Enclosure. Behavioural Processes, (onlinefirst).
  223. Watanabe, S. (2012). Social factors in conditioned place preference with morphine in mice, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. (onlinefirst).
  224. Naoi, N, Watanabe, S., Maekawa, K. & Hibiya, J. (2012). Prosody Discrimination by Songbirds (Padda oryzivora). PLoS ONE 7(10): e47446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047446
  225. Watanabe, S., & Bischof, H. (2012). Spatial Cognition of Zebra Finches in a Morris-maze Analogue Apparatus. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 25, 276-284.
  226. Eto, K., Watanabe, S., & Kawabata, H. (2012). Economic Profits Enhance Trust, Perceived Integrity and Memory of Fairness in Interpersonal Judgment. PlosOne, 7, e51484.

4) その他・取材協力等

  1. 室井滋のオトナ大学わくわく学部(Lecture 23)オモシロ実験で動物の「心」を探れ! (2011), 婦人公論 96(14), 150-153.
  2. 私たちの想像を遥かに超える鳥の能力(2011). トランヴェール, 11, 8-9.
  3. 【達人対談】鳥にも絵や音楽の好みがある 鳥脳の達人/渡辺茂vs.ビートたけし. (2012). 新潮45,
  4. ユニークな研究者たち 天才博士の異常な愛情 (2012). 週刊文春, 2012年9月20日号.
    <当研究室所属の皆さまへ> 論文等の掲載などがありましたらweb係までお知らせください。
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